
Mining pollution limits access to clean water in Papua New Guinea

A new report titled Red Water documents the social, environmental, economic, and health impacts of gold mining in Porgera, Papua New Guinea. The report finds that the communities affected by mining do not have access to consistent ...

Bright X-ray galactic nuclei

All massive galaxies are believed to host supermassive black holes (SMBH) at their centers that grow by accreting mass from their environment. The current picture also imagines that the black holes grow in size as their host ...

Microbes can grow on nitric oxide

Nitric oxide is a fascinating and versatile molecule, important for all living things as well as our environment. It is highly reactive and toxic; it is used as a signaling molecule; it depletes the ozone layer in our planet's ...

Bitter cold in January likely won't reduce field crop pests

Despite record cold air temperatures, soil temperatures averaged slightly warmer than normal in Illinois this winter. Consequently, the arctic conditions are expected to have little effect on overwintering field crop insect ...

Grafting tomatoes protects plants, increases yields

Grafting vegetables is a time-tested way for growers to protect plants from soil-borne diseases as well as potentially improve yields, according to a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service expert.

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