
Touch- and gesture-based input to support field work

Fujitsu Laboratories today announced that it has developed a wearable device in the form of a glove, equipped with a Near Field Communication (NFC) tag reader and that features gesture-based input for maintenance and other ...

We might regret backing Lush over Amazon in trade mark wars

The ongoing battle between cosmetics company Lush and internet retailer Amazon is starting to give off a distinctly unsavoury odour. At the beginning, many supported plucky little Lush as it sought to stop Amazon from flogging ...

Philippines' top court upholds 'cyber libel' law

The Philippines' top court ruled on Tuesday that a cybercrime law penalising online libel is constitutional, disappointing critics who argue it could curb Internet freedom in one of Asia's most freewheeling democracies.

Asian elephants reassure others in distress

Asian elephants console others who are in distress, using physical touches and vocalizations, finds a study to be published in the open access journal PeerJ. The findings are the first empirical evidence of consolation in ...

Is job insecurity becoming the norm for young people?

In recent years, job insecurity among young people has risen to unsettling proportions. Last year, The Economist reported that as many as 290 million 15-24 year olds were not participating in the labour market—"nearly as ...

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