
Bioenergy technology converts wastewater byproducts to hydrogen

Researchers from DOE's Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and Florida-based Chemergy Inc. plan to demonstrate an innovative bioenergy technology that converts wastewater treatment plant byproducts into hydrogen ...

World first 79 GHz radar transmitter in 28nm CMOS

Imec, in collaboration with Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium, presents the world's first 79 GHz radar transmitter implemented in plain digital 28nm CMOS. With an output power above 10dBm, the transmitter front-end ...

Peat bog restoration work holds back water

Restoration of peat bogs on Exmoor has resulted in a third less water leaving the moorland during heavy rainfall compared with three years ago, a new study involving the University of Exeter shows.

Heavily-contaminated water found in Thames Valley

High-levels of faecal-contaminated, disease-ridden bacteria have been found in floodwater in the Thames Valley Wraysbury, Berkshire in University of Reading analysis for Sky News and Channel 4 News.

Where is Earth located in the galaxy?

You've probably heard the saying "everything's relative". When you consider our place in the Universe, everything really is relative. I'm recording this halfway up Vancouver Island, in the Pacific Ocean, off the West Coast ...

Urgent need to recycle rare metals

Rare earth metals are important components in green energy products such as wind turbines and eco-cars. But the scarcity of these metals is worrying the EU.

Graphene-coated heart valves could sidestep harmful drugs

Every year thousands of people are fitted with artificial heart valves to replace their own malfunctioning valve. Many of these patients, however, have to remain on drugs that stop blood clotting on these artificial valves. ...

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