
Supporting uptake of green gas

Lucy Culleton of the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) has won the first European Biogas Association (EBA) Poster Award for her work supporting the introduction of biogas into Europe's gas networks.

A more durable material for the power industry

New research published in Nature is challenging a theory that is more than 50 years old and could change how some materials are designed in the future.

Why do science issues seem to divide us along party lines?

Much has been made about the predictable partisan split between presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on issues of science and public policy. But what about their supporters? Can Americans really be that ...

Using light to move electrons and protons

(Phys.org)—In some chemical reactions both electrons and protons move together. When they transfer, they can move concertedly or in separate steps. Light-induced reactions of this sort are particularly relevant to biological ...

New bacterial pathogen found in corn in Texas

A new bacterial pathogen, bacterial streak, was found in the Texas Panhandle corn crop this year, and while its effects were inconsequential, it bears watching in the future, according to Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service ...

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