
Earthquake series cause uplift variations at continental margins

A new mechanism may explain how great earthquakes with magnitudes larger than M7 are linked to coastal uplift in many regions worldwide. This has important implications for the seismic hazard and the tsunami risk along the ...

Offshore wind farm maintenance could soon be a breeze

The EU-funded TOWERPOWER project is developing reliable new techniques to continuously monitor the structural condition of offshore wind turbines. Optimising maintenance and inspections is a key way to help the sector achieve ...

Why we should bother saving Britain's only venomous snake

The adder, Vipera berus, was one of the first venomous snakes formally named by Linnaeus in 1758. It is the most northerly occurring snake, and one of the most widely distributed species, found everywhere from the UK to Sakhalin ...

What is the wettest place on Earth?

Those who live along the "wet coast" – which is what people living in Puget Sound or the lower mainland of British Columbia and Vancouver Island affectionately call their home – might think that they live in the wettest ...

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