
Review: Moments of awe, hours of tedium in 'No Man's Sky'

If SpaceX CEO Elon Musk is right, our entire universe is a computer simulation. Fortunately for us, that sim is running on some high-powered gear, not to mention software sophisticated enough to generate something as weird ...

Railroads show little progress on key safety technology

Many commuter and freight railroads have made little progress installing safety technology designed to prevent deadly collisions and derailments despite a mandate from Congress, according to a government report released Wednesday.

Unexpected complexity in coral

Coral reefs are delicate ecosystems, which are endangered by climate change and human activities. The restoration of these underwater environments is typically carried out by transplanting corals from healthy reefs to compromised ...

Burning desire comes down to beetles

New Griffith University research could influence how often prescribed burning is conducted after it was found high frequency fires (i.e. every 2 years) could disrupt nutrient cycling and modify beetle populations in some ...

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