
Two major US aquifers contaminated by natural uranium

Nearly 2 million people throughout the Great Plains and California live above aquifer sites contaminated with natural uranium that is mobilized by human-contributed nitrate, according to a study from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Image: Hubble sees a "mess of stars"

Bursts of pink and red, dark lanes of mottled cosmic dust, and a bright scattering of stars—this NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image shows part of a messy barred spiral galaxy known as NGC 428. It lies approximately 48 ...

Improved hurricane models could save lives, money

The 2005 Atlantic Coast hurricane season was the most devastating to the region in recorded history, with Hurricane Katrina alone causing catastrophic damage. Despite sophisticated storm tracking and warning systems, the ...

New technology may illuminate mystery moon caves

It's widely believed that the moon features networks of caves created when violent lava flows tore under the surface from ancient volcanoes. Some craters may actually be "skylights" where cave ceilings have crumbled.

Celestial firework marks nearest galaxy collision

A spectacular galaxy collision has been discovered lurking behind the Milky Way. The closest such system ever found, the discovery was announced today by a team of astronomers led by Prof. Quentin Parker at the University ...

Models for predicting carbon levels in Central African forests

ULB and Gembloux Agro Bio-Tech (ULg) researchers are developing models for predicting carbon levels in Central African forests based on measuring only 5% of all trees. In addition to being a lot more effective, their work ...

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