
Red-burning pyrotechnic flare formulations without chlorine

The carmine color of pyrotechnic flares used in military and civilian environments arises from the combustion of strontium salts, some based on chlorides. The military-launched search for chlorine-free formulations has recently ...

Clever feedback system regulates immune responses

A newly discovered feedback mechanism in the body is responsible for keeping immune responses from getting out of hand. It works at the level of certain genes, linking the inactivation of those genes to the progress made ...

Scientists achieve major breakthrough in thin-film magnetism

Magnetism in nanoscale layers only a few tens of atoms thick is one of the foundations of the big data revolution – for example, all the information we download from the internet is stored magnetically on hard disks in ...

Urban grime releases air pollutant when exposed to sunlight

In a first-of-its-kind study, researchers have determined that natural sunlight triggers the release of smog-forming nitrogen oxide compounds from the grime that typically coats buildings, statues and other outdoor surfaces ...

Mosquito-repelling chemicals identified in traditional sweetgrass

Native North Americans have long adorned themselves and their homes with fragrant sweetgrass (Hierochloe odorata), a native plant used in traditional medicine, to repel biting insects, and mosquitoes in particular. Now, researchers ...

Flooding's impact on wetlands measurable via low-cost approach

Scientists designed a new, on-site method for studying potential impacts rising sea levels can have on vital wetlands, said a University of Alabama researcher who led a study publishing Aug. 17 describing the modifiable apparatuses.

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