
Flies navigate using complex mental math

The treadmills in Rachel Wilson's laboratories at Harvard Medical School aren't like any you'll find at a gym. They're spherical, for one, and encased in bowling ball–sized plastic bubbles. They're also built for flies.

Swarm and Cluster missions get to the bottom of geomagnetic storms

The notion of living in a bubble is usually associated with negative connotations, but all life on Earth is dependent on the safe bubble created by our magnetic field. Understanding how the field is generated, how it protects ...

California domestic migration has plunged during pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has put sharp downward pressure on California's population, with far fewer people coming from other states to live here and slightly more people than usual leaving to live elsewhere, according to a new ...

Commodities and cryptocurrencies in the time of COVID-19

What relationships might we extract from an examination of the changes in values of cryptocurrencies and commodities before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. New work published in the International Journal of Business Performance ...

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