
From ground to orbit, sensors check air to improve quality

From high-profile wildfires in the American West over the last several years, to visibly cleaner air during pandemic slowdowns, air quality is returning to the forefront of environmental concern. The air we breathe has direct ...

Stem cells organize themselves into embryoid

Researchers at the University of Bonn have developed a method to generate embryo-like cell complexes from the stem cells of mice. The method provides new insights into embryonic development. In the medium term, it might also ...

School bullying occurs mostly among students of the same gender

A study by the universities of Valencia (UV) and the Catholic University of Valencia finds that the harassment and the response it provokes is different among high school students depending on gender. It concludes that school ...

Analyzing mushroom DNA to study mutation epistasis

A team of researchers from Skoltech and their Russian and U.S. colleagues have gathered two dozen mushrooms of the species Schizophyllum commune and analyzed their DNA, gaining insights into mutations that cancel the negative ...

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