
Rediscovery of rare marine amoeba Rhabdamoeba marina

Researchers at the University of Tsukuba have rediscovered and successfully cultivated Rhabdamoeba marina—a rare marine amoeba that has only been reported in two cases in the past century. Using this culture strain, the ...

Using machine learning to help refugees succeed

Dominik Rothenhaeusler grew up in Oberzell, Germany, a quaint town of roughly 2,500 people along the Schussen River. Like many towns and cities across Germany, Oberzell has witnessed a surge of asylum seekers and refugees ...

Listen to Iceland's recent seismic activity

As seismic activity intensifies ahead of an impending eruption of a fissure near Iceland's Fagradalsfjall volcano, the island's Reykjanes Peninsula is experiencing hundreds of earthquakes per day.

Video: Genetically improving sorghum for biofuels

Bioscientist Anne Villacastin is using genetics to supercharge the growing power of sorghum, a cereal plant that humans have been cultivating for millennia. By adding genes from wheat, Villacastin and her colleagues at the ...

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