
Suomi NPP satellite sees Tropical Storm Champi affecting Guam

Tropical Storm Champi was over Guam and the Marianas Islands when NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite captured a visible image of the storm. On October 16, Champi was moving farther away from Saipan and Tinian in a westerly direction.

Appeals court rules in favor of Google's online library

Google is not violating copyright laws by digitizing books for a massive online library, a federal appeals court ruled Friday in a decadelong dispute by authors worried that the project would spoil the market for their books.

Anti-clumping strategy for nanoparticles

Nanoparticles are ubiquitous in industrial applications ranging from drug delivery and biomedical diagnostics to developing hydrophobic surfaces, lubricant additives and enhanced oil recovery solutions in petroleum fields. ...

Future coastal climate not cool for redwood forests

In a study published in the research journal Global Change Biology, climate scientists from the University of California, NatureServe and the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) conclude that a warmer ...

A single-cell pipeline for soil samples

To investigate in situ function of uncultivated microbes, scientists evaluated a process for preparing soil samples for single-cell analysis methods.

Ten big energy firms vow to fight climate change

Ten of the world's leading oil and gas companies vowed Friday to help fight climate change, notably by shifting towards cleaner natural gas, but their promise was dismissed by Greenpeace as a public relations ploy.

Putting humans into their environmental contexts

What if you had access to an online research tool that provided a vast knowledge base about humans and their historical relationships with their physical landscapes?

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