
Simulated sea slug gets addicted to drug

Scientists built a computer model of a simple brain network based on that of a sea slug, taught it how to get food, gave it an appetite and the ability to experience reward, added a dash of something called homeostatic plasticity ...

What superpower conflicts mean for indigenous peoples

International attention returned to the ill-defined Himalayan border between India and China last month as disputes between soldiers stationed there escalated into beatings and fistfights. In recent days, both countries have ...

Video: What might help rebuild police-community relations?

Sanford School Ph.D. candidate Ajenai Clemmons does research that is part of the headlines. She has spent years interviewing police and minority group residents in East Durham and East London. Her data on the factors helping ...

Flushing toilets create clouds of virus-containing particles

Researchers used a computer simulation to show how a flushing toilet can create a cloud of virus-containing aerosol droplets that is large and widespread and lasts long enough that the droplets could be breathed in by others.

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