
Temperature variability and wheat quality

Increased hot and cold spells resulting from climate change could affect bread-making quality or seed quality for growing subsequent wheat crops, depending upon when they occur.

How does a frog heal wounded skin without scarring?

When a Xenopus frog is deeply wounded, its skin can regenerate without scarring. Researchers have found that cells under the skin contribute to this regeneration after an excision injury.

Like a moth to a flame

In the last decade, 7 million hectares of boreal forest in Eastern Canada have been destroyed by the voracious insect known as the spruce budworm. And the outbreak is heading south again this spring, leaving devastation and ...

Inflatable plug for subway tunnels demonstrated

A giant, inflatable structure designed to prevent flooding in subways was rolled out, literally, for media observers inside a full-scale, mock subway tunnel. As the video shows, in under five minutes it is nearly filled with ...

OPINION: Why we need a human mission to Mars

If we want to know whether there is life beyond Earth then the quickest way to answer that question is to explore Mars. That exploration is currently being done by remote space probes sent from Earth.

Development of technique for one-pot synthesis of siloxane bonds

AIST has developed a one-pot synthesis technique that selectively forms siloxane bonds which form the main skeleton of organosilicon materials, in order to synthesize structurally well-defined siloxane compounds in one process.

Image: Thar Desert, India

The Copernicus Sentinel-2A satellite brings us over northwest India with this false-colour image captured on 4 March 2017.

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