
Predicting sediment flow in coastal vegetation

Seagrass, kelp beds, mangroves, and other aquatic vegetation are often considered "ecosystem engineers" for their ability to essentially create their own habitats: Aquatic leaves and reeds slow the flow of water, encouraging ...

Structural data reveals new mechanism behind protein transport

In order for newly-produced secretory or membrane proteins to find their final destination, the proteins have signal-sequences connected to themselves as a form of address tag. Furthermore, they use a particle guiding them ...

Philae wake-up triggers intense planning

The receipt of signals from Rosetta's Philae lander on 13 June after 211 days of hibernation marked the start of intense activity. In coordination with its mission partners, ESA teams are working to juggle Rosetta's flight ...

Turning numbers into pictures

Predictably, the cave is dark. Red lights glow overhead, scattering a faint, rosy lustre across the floor.

Saturn spacecraft to buzz icy moon Dione June 16

NASA's Cassini spacecraft will make a close flyby of Saturn's moon Dione on June 16, coming within 321 miles (516 kilometers) of the moon's surface. The spacecraft will make its closest approach to Dione at 1:12 p.m. PDT ...

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