
Too many school students are over-confident

Many recent, large-scale and international studies confirm that there are things outside of a child's natural intelligence that affect their academic performance.

Biologist Berry Brosi on Obama's 'plan bee'

President Obama recently launched perhaps the most ambitious national plan ever aimed at protecting insects. The National Strategy to Promote the Health of Honeybees and Other Pollinators calls for an "all hands on deck" ...

Theory turns to reality for nonlinear optical metamaterials

A research team has realized one of the long-standing theoretical predictions in nonlinear optical metamaterials: creation of a nonlinear material that has opposite refractive indices at the fundamental and harmonic frequencies ...

Injured jellyfish seek to regain symmetry, study shows

Self-repair is extremely important for living things. Get a cut on your finger and your skin can make new cells to heal the wound; lose your tail—if you are a particular kind of lizard—and tissue regeneration may produce ...

Astronomers create array of Earth-like planet models

To sort out the biological intricacies of Earth-like planets, astronomers have developed computer models that examine how ultraviolet radiation from other planets' nearby suns may affect those worlds, according to new research ...

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