
Swedish companies decry deportations of skilled workers

The heads of Sweden's largest companies, including clothing giant H&M and telecoms maker Ericsson, denounced Friday deportations of highly-skilled workers as the nation's technology sector suffers a shortage of staff.

Artificial intelligence can help you protect your personal data

It's a safe bet that some of the websites and apps you use collect and subsequently sell your personal data. But how can you know which ones? An EPFL researcher has led the development of a program that can answer that question ...

Australian fire beetle avoids the heat

The Australian jewel beetle Merimna atrata has several heat sensors. Originally, it was thought to use them to detect forest fires as it lays its eggs in the wood of burned eucalyptus trees. Researchers at the University ...

Scientists improve DNA transfer in gene therapy

Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, cystic fibrosis and many other fatal human diseases are hereditary. Many cancers and cardiovascular diseases are also caused by genetic defects. Gene therapy is a promising possibility ...

A new method for detecting levels of an important amino acid

A team from the Faculty of Chemistry of MSU and colleagues have suggested a new method for determining levels of cysteine, an amino acid used in many drugs, with the help of gold nanoparticles. Unlike current methods, it ...

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