
A new experiment to understand dark matter

Is dark matter a source of a yet unknown force in addition to gravity? The mysterious dark matter is little understood and trying to understand its properties is an important challenge in modern physics and astrophysics. ...

Researchers unlock how seaweed is digested

Cattle on the Prairies are hundreds of kilometres from the coast and yet it's possible that seaweed could make its way into their diet as an additive.

Secrets of extinct cow with face like a bulldog revealed

An international team of scientists have used the latest genetic and anatomical techniques to study the remains of a cow with a short face like a bulldog that fascinated Charles Darwin when he first saw it in Argentina 180 ...

Why the tongue of the Pine Island Glacier suddenly shrank

The Pine Island Glacier in Western Antarctica is not only one of the fastest-flowing ice streams in the Southern Hemisphere; over the past 11 years, four major icebergs have calved from its floating tongue. In February 2017, ...

Football through the eyes of a computer

Football on TV: A pass to the left, a gap in the defence, an open striker at the edge of the penalty area. Suddenly, the picture freezes. Lines and diagrams appear between the players. An arrow indicates the trajectory of ...

Is the energy-storing solar cell soon to be reality?

Storing solar energy is the central challenge facing energy researchers. Alongside traditional solutions such as solar cells or batteries, creative chemical concepts for storing energy are paving the way for entirely new ...

Minimalist biostructures designed to create nanomaterials

Researchers of the Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine (IBB-UAB) have generated four peptides, molecules smaller than proteins, capable of self-assembling in a controlled manner to form nanomaterials. The research, ...

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