
Quantum transfer at the push of a button

In new quantum information technologies, fragile quantum states have to be transferred between distant quantum bits. Researchers at ETH have now realized such a quantum transmission between two solid-state qubits at the push ...

The chances of detecting clumps in atomic nuclei are growing

What do atomic nuclei really look like? Are the protons and neutrons they contain distributed chaotically? Or do they perhaps bind into alpha clusters, that is, clumps made up of two protons and two neutrons? In the case ...

Why don't most people become radicalised?

To understand what leads people into violent extremism, scientists are turning the question on its head and asking why it is that most young people don't become radicalised.

'Fortnite' frenzy reigns at E3 gaming expo

The Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) wrapped up in Los Angeles on Thursday with the video game "Fortnite" knocking out other contenders to emerge as the star of a show which highlighted the surging interest in competitive ...

Mexico jaguar population grows 20% in eight years

Mexico's population of wild jaguars has grown 20 percent in the past eight years, according to a study released Thursday, a bit of good news for an iconic species whose numbers have been declining.

Snapchat aims to spread reach to other apps

Snapchat messaging service on Thursday set out to spread its reach, and panache, to other smartphone apps with a software kit that promised to share little data about users.

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