
Study: Stopping global warming only way to save coral reefs

Reducing pollution and curbing overfishing won't prevent the severe bleaching that is killing coral at catastrophic rates, according to a study of Australia's Great Barrier Reef. In the end, researchers say, the only way ...

Why CEOs of failing companies jump ship... or don't

It's a common scenario in the corporate world. A company begins to fail, and before long the CEO is out the door. Sometimes the person is asked to go, but other times it's a voluntary move—a decision that may be driven ...

YouTube users be aware: Your viewing habits can be tracked

Despite YouTube's attempts to safeguard user anonymity, intelligence agencies, hackers and online advertising companies can still determine which videos a user is watching, according to Ben-Gurion University of the Negev ...

From the butterfly's wing to the tornado: Predicting turbulence

An old adage holds that the flap of a butterfly's wing in Brazil can trigger a tornado in Texas weeks later. Though chaos theory says it's basically impossible to compute exactly how that might happen, scientists have made ...

Dark matter less influential in galaxies in early universe

New observations indicate that massive, star-forming galaxies during the peak epoch of galaxy formation, 10 billion years ago, were dominated by baryonic or 'normal' matter. This is in stark contrast to present-day galaxies, ...

Scientists mobilize as bleaching resumes on Great Barrier Reef

Coral researchers are remobilising to conduct aerial and underwater surveys along the Great Barrier Reef and elsewhere in Australia as coral bleaching reappears for the second year in a row. The decision coincides with the ...

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