
Metamaterials boost sensitivity of MRI machines

A group of researchers from Russia, Australia and the Netherlands has developed a technology that can reduce magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning times by more than 50 percent, allowing hospitals to drastically increase ...

The state, the drought and El Nino—a complicated relationship

Just last year, researchers were saying there was no end in sight for California's recent drought. During the past four years—the driest the state has been in a half-century— reservoirs and lake levels plummeted, leaves ...

Biologists support Ann Arbor deer cull

A University of Michigan evolutionary biologist says he and many of his U-M colleagues support the city of Ann Arbor's plans to kill up to 100 deer this winter, calling the cull "a positive step toward ecological sustainability."

Video: Galectins defend against wolves in sheeps' clothing

To prevent auto-immune attack, our bodies avoid making antibodies against molecules found on our own cells. That leaves gaps in our immune defenses bacteria could exploit. Some of those gaps are filled by galectins, a family ...

Researchers create perovskites via mechanochemistry

Perovskites, substances that perfectly absorb light, are the future of solar energy. Now, a rapid and environmentally safe method of production has been developed by chemists from Warsaw, Poland. Perovskites can now be synthesized ...

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