
Science explains the colour of your Christmas

When we think of Christmas, what colour comes to mind? For most people, that colour is probably red. Even Santa himself is red. It's a colour reminiscent of family, good food, Santa and his gifts and festive holidays. The ...

Historic finds unearthed in Medieval cemetary

What was supposed to be a simple excavation to allow for the expansion of a church cemetery turned into a treasure trove of historic artefacts, including a decorative fitting from a book "imported" by Vikings from Ireland.

Fully screen-printed monoPoly silicon solar cell technology

The Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (SERIS) at the National University of Singapore (NUS) has reached a new cell efficiency milestone in the development of its low-cost screen-printed bifacial monoPoly silicon ...

Cells sense and explore their environments

The process through which cells are able to sense their environment is regulated by force detection. This is the main conclusion of a study published in the journal Nature, led by the team of Pere Roca-Cusachs, lecturer from ...

Project seeks sustainable blueprint for hydropower dams

In the Pacific Northwest, the conversation about hydroelectric dams is complicated: Dams hamper the natural migration of salmon, yet they are an important source of cheap, renewable energy for the region.

New flood risk identified by FIU researcher

As South Florida raises groundwater levels to fight salt water intrusion, the threat of flooding from within will only increase, according to Florida International University research.

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