
Bee-mimicking clearwing moth buzzes back to life after 130 years

An entomologist from the University of Gdansk in Poland has rediscovered a striking blue-and-white species of clearwing moth known only from a single faded and damaged museum specimen collected in 1887. The Oriental blue ...

New book examines what religious Americans think about science

What do religious Americans really think about science? A new book from Rice University sociologist Elaine Howard Ecklund and West Virginia University (WVU) sociologist Christopher Scheitle explores and debunks widespread ...

Uber reduces ambulance usage in major cities, economists find

The advent of Uber in cities across the country has reduced per capita ambulance volume by at least 7 percent as low-risk patients likely opt to avoid the more expensive ride with paramedics, according to a working paper ...

New map reveals landscape beneath Greenland's ice sheet

A new map of what lies beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet is published this week (Thursday 14 December 2017). By providing scientists with the most comprehensive, high resolution and accurate picture of the bedrock and coastal ...

Image: The fault in our Mars

This image from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) of northern Meridiani Planum shows faults that have disrupted layered deposits. Some of the faults produced a clean break along the layers, displacing and offsetting ...

Next-generation GRACE satellites arrive at launch site

A pair of advanced U.S./German Earth research satellites with some very big shoes to fill is now at California's Vandenberg Air Force Base to begin final preparations for launch next spring.

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