
Red fluorescence in two steps

Scientists have identified the mechanism that allows fluorescent proteins to switch colour in two phases. They are thereby laying the groundwork for new applications in microscopy and functional analyses in biological research.

Ocean temperature as a vital sign revealing Earth's warming

Human activities have released carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and the result is an accumulation of heat in the Earth's climate system, commonly referred to as "global warming." But how fast ...

Samsung steps up push into autonomous driving technology

Samsung Electronics Co. said Thursday it will invest 75 million euro ($89 million) in TTTech, a Vienna, Austria-based company that makes autonomous driving technologies and safety controls for Audi cars and others, stepping ...

Life and death of Irma: 2 weeks of fury and devastation end

Irma, which flattened some Caribbean islands and enveloped nearly all of Florida in its fury, no longer exists. The open Atlantic's most powerful hurricane on record finally sputtered out as an ordinary rainstorm over Ohio ...

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