
Cold plasma will heal non-healing wounds

Russian scientists have found that treating cells with cold plasma leads to their regeneration and rejuvenation. This result can be used to develop a plasma therapy program for patients with non-healing wounds. The paper ...

EU aims to deploy 5G technology Europe-wide by 2025

The European Union wants to make fifth-generation telecommunications technology available around the bloc and have free wireless connections in every city and major public venue within the next decade.

'Lost' Aussie pelican a hit in the Philippines

An Australian pelican that strayed hundreds of kilometres from its nearest known habitat to end up in the Philippines is the first such bird to be seen in the Asian archipelago, wildlife enthusiasts said.

Online educator Udacity offers self-driving car degree

Online education startup Udacity, co-founded by a man referred to in Silicon Valley as the father of self-driving cars, on Tuesday began offering a degree in engineering autonomous vehicles.

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