
Uber launches groundbreaking driverless car service

Uber launched a groundbreaking driverless car service Wednesday, jumping ahead of Detroit auto giants and Silicon Valley rivals with technology that could revolutionize transportation.

Study reveals soil influence on well water manganese levels

Utilizing a wide range of analytic tools, researchers at North Carolina State University have figured out why pockets of the southeastern Piedmont region contain high concentrations of manganese in well water, particularly ...

NASA begins study of Australia's Great Barrier Reef

A NASA airborne mission designed to transform our understanding of Earth's valuable and ecologically sensitive coral reefs has set up shop in Australia for a two-month investigation of the Great Barrier Reef, the world's ...

Economist argues for elimination of big bills from currency

In his latest book, "The Curse of Cash," Ken Rogoff, the Thomas D. Cabot Professor of Public Policy, argues that the elimination of big bills could help stem crime and even aid countries trying to rebound from financial collapse. ...

Finding things in complex environments

Have you ever looked for something in a teenager's bedroom? Tough, isn't it? Everyday experience tells us that when the background is cluttered, it's harder to find an object. But how should we define "complexity" and can ...

Full circle: Space algae fighting malnutrition in Congo

Looking for food that could be harvested by astronauts far from Earth, researchers focused on spirulina, which has been harvested for food in South America and Africa for centuries. ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti ate ...

Study shows unexpected path for women to major in science

A North Carolina State University study of factors that influence women's decisions to major in science found an intriguing backdoor pathway: women gravitating to the sciences after being undecided about what to study when ...

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