
A cellular sensor of phosphate levels

Inorganic phosphate is an essential building block of cell membranes, DNA and proteins. It is also a main component of ATP, the "cell currency" of energy transfer. All cells therefore need to maintain a sufficient concentration ...

Trees trade carbon among each other, study reports

Forest trees use carbon not only for themselves; they also trade large quantities of it with their neighbours. Botanists from the University of Basel report this in the journal Science. The extensive carbon trade among trees ...

The secret language of microbes

Social microbes often interact with each other preferentially, favoring those that share certain genes in common. However, the basis for this behavior, known as "kind discrimination," is often unclear. A new study reveals ...

Great Barrier Reef risks losing tolerance to bleaching events

A new study has found that Great Barrier Reef (GBR) corals were able to survive past bleaching events because they were exposed to a pattern of gradually warming waters in the lead up to each episode. However, this protective ...

After Paris climate deal, now the hard part

Five months after 195 nations sealed the world's first global climate deal, diplomats gather again in the French capital Friday to start translating good intentions into reality.

NASA's satellites see Fantala intensifying as it moves west

Three different NASA satellites caught images of the storm as it rapidly intensifies and moves west. Currently there are no threatened landmasses in its wake, but it this storm is packing quite a punch. The MODIS and AIRS ...

Europa's heaving ice might make more heat than scientists thought

Jupiter's moon Europa is under a constant gravitational assault. As it orbits, Europa's icy surface heaves and falls with the pull of Jupiter's gravity, creating enough heat, scientists think, to support a global ocean beneath ...

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