
Patterning smaller junctions for ultrathin devices

Making faster, more powerful electronics requires smaller but still uniform connections, or junctions, between different materials. For the first time, researchers created extremely small, 5-nanometer-wide junctions, which ...

The sound of old music

In addition to their shape, the material that brass instruments are made of determines their sound. This was demonstrated by acousticians in a project funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF on reconstructing the sound of ...

Chemists invent new supercapacitor materials

Dr David Eisenberg and Prof. Gadi Rothenberg of the University of Amsterdam's Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences have invented a new type of supercapacitor material with a host of potential applications in electronics, ...

Towards eco-friendly industrial-scale hydrogen production

What if industrial waste water could become fuel? With affordable, long-lasting catalysts, water could be split to produce hydrogen that could be used to power fuel cells or combustion engines. By conducting complex simulations, ...

New 'uikidama' nanoparticle structure revealed

Sometimes it is the tiny things in the world that can make an incredible difference. One of these things is the nanoparticle. Nanoparticles may be small, but they have a variety of important applications in areas such as, ...

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