
Engineers propose coordinated control to assist drivers

Engineers have proposed a coordinated control architecture for motion management in advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) to increase safety and comfort across all vehicles, regardless of ADAS specifics.

Wiggling atoms switch the electric polarization of crystals

Ferroelectric crystals display a macroscopic electric polarization, a superposition of many dipoles at the atomic scale that originate from spatially separated electrons and atomic nuclei. The macroscopic polarization is ...

One string to rule them all

Strain can be used to engineer unusual properties at the nanoscale. Researchers in Tobias Kippenberg's lab at EPFL have harnessed this effect to engineer an extremely low-loss nanostring. When plucked, the string vibrates ...

The raw power of human motion

Autonomy is a much-anticipated feature of next-generation microsystems, such as remote sensors, wearable electronic gadgets, implantable biosensors and nanorobots. KAUST researchers led by Husam Alshareef, Jr-Hau He and Khaled ...

Deeper understanding of species roles in ecosystems

A species' traits define the role it plays in the ecosystem in which it lives—this is the conclusion of a study carried out by researchers at Linköping University, Sweden. New methods can make it easier to predict the ...

Rapamycin resolves genetic defects in yeast

Scientists at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) have taken one step closer to potential cures for several human genetic diseases, and the answers have been found in the humble cells ...

Enzyme LSD1 found to regulate muscle fiber type differentiation

Our bodies convert food into energy for all life activities. These metabolic processes allow cells to produce energy (anabolism) and consume energy from nutrients (catabolism). In a recent update out of Kumamoto University ...

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