
3-D printing for more efficient chemical research

With the help of some designing, a few grams of plastic filament and a 3-D printer, researchers in the University of Helsinki made a unique device for studying chemical reactions, and improved their experimental processes.

3-D printing spiders

Spiders build webs, shelters and egg sacs from fine tough silk fibers. To apply these fibers, they must be properly attached to substrates or other threads and must cope with loading in highly-variable directions.

Why do coal mines need so much water?

From accidental water spills into coastal wetlands, to proposed taxpayer-funded loans, Adani's planned Carmichael coal mine and the associated Abbot Point coal terminal can't keep out of the news at the moment.

Bistatic laser monitor sees through fire

The creation of new materials is often enabled by powerful lasers. Scientists from Tomsk Polytechnic University and the Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS (IAO SB RAS) are designing an advanced bistatic laser monitor ...

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