
Satellite monitoring for faster, cleaner shipping

With around 90 percent of world trade carried by ships, making sure a vessel follows the fastest route has clear economic benefits. By merging measurements from different satellites, ESA is providing key information on ocean ...

Czech court to rule on Russian hacker extradition in prison

Czech authorities say an extradition hearing in the case of a Russian man who faces charges in the United States of hacking and stealing information from computers at LinkedIn, Dropbox and other U.S. companies will take place ...

LArIAT upgrade will test DUNE design

In particle physics, the difference of a millimeter or two can make or break the experiment. In March, the LArIAT experiment began a proof-of-concept test to make sure the planned Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) ...

Fracking comes to the Arctic in a new Alaska oil boom

Arctic lands and waters hold irresistible allure for global oil companies. Despite opposition from environmental groups and President Obama's 2016 ban on drilling in federal Arctic waters, exploration in Alaska has revealed ...

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