
Argentina court stops Uber in its tracks

A Buenos Aires court ordered Uber to suspend service Wednesday and launched an inquiry into whether the app is unfair competition, a day after it began operating in the Argentine capital.

UConn receives grant to exhibit collection of 2 million ants

A federal grant will bring new life to decades of work by a University of Connecticut biologist who made more than 20 expeditions with his wife to the jungles of Central and South America following, studying and collecting ...

Spreading seeds by human migration

Using DNA collected from corn grown by immigrant farmers in Los Angeles and Riverside, researchers at the University of California, Riverside have found the genetic diversity of corn in some home and community gardens in ...

New resource for managing the Mexican rice borer

A moth caterpillar called the Mexican rice borer (Eoreuma loftini) has taken a heavy toll on sugar cane and rice crops in Texas, and has moved into Louisiana, Florida, and other Gulf Coast states. Now a new article in the ...

New genus and five new flea species discovered in Indonesia

A new genus of flea and its five new species have been described in an article in the Journal of Medical Entomology. Four of the species were collected on the island of Sulawesi and the fifth was collected in the Indonesian ...

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