
To fend off hackers, local governments get help from states

The city of Mill Creek, Wash., has only 55 full-time employees and just one of them—James Busch—is responsible for handling information technology and cybersecurity. He worries about the growing sophistication of hackers ...

'King tides' are rising, so groups span globe to monitor it

The tide watchers start patrolling whenever the celestial forces align. From coast to coast, hundreds of tide watchers come out with their cameras to record the latest "king tides," brief episodes of tidal flooding that could ...

A whole-body approach to understanding chemosensory cells

Growing evidence shows that sensory cells which enable us to taste sweetness, bitterness and savoriness (umami) are not limited to the tongue. These so-called Trpm5-expressing chemosensory cells are also found in the respiratory ...

Battling white-nose syndrome in bats

Millions of bats in North America have been wiped out by the disease white-nose syndrome caused by the fungus Pseudogymnoascus destructans, and scientists worry that a catastrophic reduction in the bat population will have ...

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