
Blazar PG 1553+113 investigated by researchers

Using space observatories and ground-based facilities, Chinese astronomers have investigated a blazar known as PG 1553+113. Results of this study shed more light on the behavior of this object, indicating that it hosts a ...

Study explores adaptation in island, mainland anoles

Islands are hot spots of evolutionary adaptation that can also advantage species returning to the mainland, according to a study published the week of Oct. 11 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Insects in the light of land use and climate

Worldwide, scientists have reported mounting evidence that the quantity and diversity of insects are declining; in politics and society, these findings have raised great concern.

Mechanisms behind intercellular communication in tumors decoded

All cells in a multicellular organism must be precisely coordinated in order for the organism to function correctly. This applies both to healthy tissue and also tumors. Communication between the cells is extremely important ...

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