
When global warming stops, seas will still rise: study

Even if humanity beats the odds and caps global warming at 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels, seas will rise for centuries to come and swamp cities currently home to half-a-billion people, researchers warned ...

Brain injury after long-duration spaceflight

Spending long periods in space not only leads to muscle atrophy and reductions in bone density, it also seems to have lasting effects on the brain. Neuroimaging studies (amongst others from this LMU team of researchers) has ...

New research calls for hybrid working to be more sustainable

The increase in the amount of hybrid working post-pandemic—where office-based employees work remotely for part of the week—needs to be more sustainable, according to a new study from experts based at The University of ...

Dense bison herds may threaten nesting bird species

Overhunting depleted the population of American bison from tens of millions to fewer than 1,000 in the span of just the 19th century. With conservationists and ranchers recently reintroducing the species to U.S. grasslands, ...

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