
Image: Lunar ice drill

A drill designed to penetrate 1–2 m into the lunar surface is envisaged by ESA to fly to the Moon's south pole on Russia's Luna-27 lander in 2020.

Water 4.0—the next revolution in urban water systems

In his 2014 book, Water 4.0, UC Berkeley environmental engineer David Sedlak identifies four "revolutions" in the development of urban water systems. The first revolution—Water 1.0—was the Roman innovation of piping potable ...

Solving the biomass puzzle

Biomass holds great promise as a petroleum replacement, but unlocking its true potential remains a puzzle. A group of researchers at Iowa State University and the U.S Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory hope to develop ...

Two types of RGB laser light sources successfully demonstrated

As part of a NEDO project, Osaka University and Shimadzu Corporation have developed two types of RGB (Red, Green and Blue) laser light source modules using RGB visible light laser diode technology. The first model (see image ...

Social engineering exploits networks' weakest point—people

It requires a lot of effort and expense for computer hackers to program a Trojan virus and infiltrate individual or company computers. They are therefore increasingly relying on psychological strategies to manipulate computer ...

Better search engine results thanks to new method

How does Google decide which search results to display? Doctoral candidate Anne Schuth developed a new method by which dozens or even hundreds of search algorithms can be compared with each other simultaneously. This means ...

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