
How drought and other extremes impact water pollution

One in 10 Americans depends on the Colorado River for bathing and drinking. Last fall's record-high temperatures reduced Colorado snowpack in winter 2018 to 66 percent of normal, sparking concern over water shortages downstream ...

The culprit of superconductivity in cuprates

When it comes to high-temperature superconductors, "high" is a relative term. In the field of superconductivity, "high temperature" means anything that can still be superconductive over 30 degrees Kelvin (K), or a balmy -405 ...

Antibiotic-free treatment of dairy cows underway

Is antibiotic resistance signalling the end for modern treatments of udder infections in the dairy industry? Not so fast, according to researchers who are developing breakthrough technology that's effective against all tested ...

All eyes on Hurricane Michael

Hurricane Michael plowed into the Florida panhandle Wednesday, Oct. 10, as a major Category 4 storm—the strongest hurricane ever to hit that region. Many NASA instruments are keeping tabs on Michael from space, including ...

Image: The space station transits the sun

This composite image, made from nine frames, shows the International Space Station, with a crew of three onboard, in silhouette as it transits the Sun at roughly five miles per second, Sunday, Oct. 7, 2018.

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