
Innovation in renewable-energy technologies is booming

The number of patents issued for renewable-energy technologies has risen sharply over the last decade, according to new research from MIT and the Santa Fe Institute (SFI). The study shows that investments in research and ...

Corals 'can fight acidifying oceans'

In a world-first, scientists from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies (CoECRS) have shown that tropical corals have the ability to fight back against acidifying oceans caused by human emissions of carbon dioxide.

Will comet ISON survive its brush with the Sun?

(Phys.org) —The much-anticipated close approach of comet ISON to the Sun this November may be spectacular as viewed from Earth, but it's unlikely to spell the end of the comet, according to a numerical-simulation study ...

An asteroid pile-up in the orbit of Mars

The orbit of the planet Mars is host to the remains of an ancient collision that created many of its Trojan asteroids, a new study has concluded. It paints a new picture of how these objects came to be and may even hold important ...

Mosquitofish genital shape linked to presence of predators

(Phys.org) —When predators lurk nearby, male Bahamas mosquitofish (Gambusia hubbsi) change mating strategies, rejecting elaborate courting rituals for more frequent and sometimes forceful encounters with females.

New micro water sensor can aid growers

(Phys.org) —Crop growers, wine grape and other fruit growers, food processors and even concrete makers all benefit from water sensors for accurate, steady and numerous moisture readings. But current sensors are large, may ...

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