
Self-awareness class inspires intention app

Inspired by a class on managing professional relationships, five recent University of Michigan graduates are developing an app that would mesh with Alexa to help nudge people when they're out of sync with what they want.

The U.S. needs a national strategy on artificial intelligence

China, India, Japan, France and the European Union are crafting bold plans for artificial intelligence (AI). They see AI as a means to economic growth and social progress. Meanwhile, the U.S. disbanded its AI taskforce in ...

Removing predators doesn't guarantee bird safety

Removing introduced predators might not provide greater protection of nesting birds in Australia's temperate forests and woodlands, according to a new University of Queensland study.

Researchers discover how corn breaks genetics laws

Modern genetics is based on the idea that genes are passed on to progeny in a predictable fashion, as first described by 19th-century Austrian botanist Gregor Mendel. He determined that genes exist in pairs, and each one ...

NICER mission finds an X-ray pulsar in a record-fast orbit

Scientists analyzing the first data from the Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) mission have found two stars that revolve around each other every 38 minutes—about the time it takes to stream a TV drama. ...

UK's gender pay gap is narrowing, new research finds

The UK's gender pay gap is gradually narrowing—but women still have some way to go to match the earning level of their male counterparts, according to a new report published by the Department for Education.

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