
Researchers discover new nitrogen source in Arctic

Scientists have revealed that the partnership between an alga and bacteria is making the essential element nitrogen newly available in the Arctic Ocean. The microbial process of "nitrogen fixation" converts the element into ...

Sex differences in personality traits in Asian elephants

Scientists from the University of Turku, Finland, have found that male and female Asian elephants differ in their personality. Previous work on a timber elephant population from Myanmar has shown that Asian elephants have ...

China says air pollution dropped in 2018

China's air quality improved substantially last year, the environment ministry said Monday, following a government crackdown on pollution and a weakening economy.

Driving water down nanohighways

Removing water vapor from air and other gas mixtures, which is crucial for many industrial processes and air conditioning, could become cheaper and more effective through polymer membrane technology now developed at KAUST.

The fiddlers influencing mangrove ecosystems

The types of bacteria living in and around fiddler crab burrows vary widely between mangroves, but their functional activities are remarkably similar.

Analysis reveals key gene for bacterial infection

To successfully infect their hosts, bacteria need to evade the host immune system in order to reproduce and spread. Over the course of evolution, hosts—such as humans—develop increasingly sophisticated defenses against ...

Cleaning up with cellulose

Selectively permeable membranes made from renewable plant-based materials could significantly improve the environmental credentials of the chemical industry. A KAUST team has tested the viability of cellulose membranes to ...

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