
A novel solar CPV/CSP hybrid system proposed

In concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) systems only a small part of the incident solar energy can be converted into electricity and the majority of the incident energy is dissipated as waste heat. Although the waste heat could ...

Novel high-power microwave generator

High-power microwaves are frequently used in civil applications, such as radar and communication systems, heating and current drive of plasmas in fusion devices, and acceleration in high-energy linear colliders. They can ...

Oil drilling banned in Arctic area that attracts walrus

A plateau on the Arctic Ocean floor, where thousands of Pacific walrus gather to feed and raise pups, has received new protections from the Obama administration that recognize it as a biological hot spot and mark it off-limits ...

Water limiting factor to corn silage quality

Minimizing yield losses while reducing groundwater usage is a continual goal for Texas A&M AgriLife Research scientists on the High Plains, where quantities of water from the Ogallala Aquifer are diminishing.

European space plane splashes down on schedule: ESA

Europe's prototype space plane splashed down in the Pacific on schedule Wednesday after a 100-minute flight to test key re-entry technologies, the European Space Agency (ESA) said.

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