
"Carbon violence" underlies the green sheen of carbon offsets

Queensland researchers have coined the term 'carbon violence' to describe the effects of G20 and other developed countries' investments in African plantation forestry to offset carbon emissions in a report for US think tank, ...

Grain-fed cattle linked to tougher beef

Finishing beef cattle on grain leads to higher body temperatures before and after slaughter, which can diminish meat quality, research says.

Team grows uniform nanowires

A researcher from Missouri University of Science and Technology has developed a new way to grow nanowire arrays with a determined diameter, length and uniform consistency. This approach to growing nanomaterials will improve ...

Optical control of motor functions

MIT researchers have demonstrated a highly flexible neural probe made entirely of polymers that can both optically stimulate and record neural activity in a mouse spinal cord—a step toward developing prosthetic devices ...

TESS mission cleared for next development phase

NASA has officially confirmed the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission, clearing it to move forward into the development phase. This marks a significant step for the TESS mission, which would search the entire ...

Hubble view of bubbly nebula

This image from Hubble's Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 showcases NGC 1501, a complex planetary nebula located in the large but faint constellation of Camelopardalis (The Giraffe).

Preparing for alien life

At a recent event sponsored by NASA and the Library of Congress, a group of scientists and scholars explored how we might prepare for the inevitable discovery of life beyond Earth.

Nobel Prize-winning discovery will better train scientists' eyes

Ever since mankind's first attempts to understand what we are made of, we have tried to see and study small things, things not visible to the naked eye. Using magnifying lenses, scientists quickly realized that we are composed ...

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