
New materials yield record efficiency polymer solar cells

Researchers from North Carolina State University and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology have found that temperature-controlled aggregation in a family of new semi-conducting polymers is the key to creating highly ...

Line dancing bacteria on a chip (w/ Video)

By changing the direction of a magnetic field, so-called magneto-tactic bacteria are able to make a full U-turn. They can be taught line dancing in this way, inside the tiny micro channels of a lab on a chip. Magnetically ...

Woodland bat species sweats it out in the tropics

A bat species thought to be restricted to temperate forests has been found living thousands of miles from its known range in the sweltering heat of the southern Indian rainforest.

More revealed about Siebold's escape from SpaceShipTwo

Yes, there was a thumbs up. Through an interview with the father of the SpaceShipTwo pilot, the Daily Mail has reported more details of the near fatal plunge of Peter Siebold from the explosive event that destroyed Scaled ...

The complexities of oil prices

With holiday shopping right around the corner, U.S. consumers could have a little extra money in their pockets, thanks to lower gas prices. Saudi Arabia, the planet's top producer and exporter of crude oil, lowered its prices ...

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