
Infographic: Rhic cooks up a quantum tempest in a teacup

When particles collide inside Brookhaven Lab's Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), they melt at trillion-degree temperatures and form a friction-free "perfect" liquid. This quark-gluon plasma, composed of the liberated ...

First genome of an Antarctic notothenioid fish sequenced

Northeastern professor H. William Detrich is part of an international research team that has sequenced the first genome of an Antarctic notothenioid fish. The breakthrough, he said, will shed light on the animal's unique ...

Tracing the evolution of forest trees

There are at least 60,000 identified tree species in the world, "but we know next to nothing about how they got here," Elizabeth Stacy says. "Trees form the backbone of our forests, and are ecologically and economically important, ...

A timeline of deep-space comet encounters

12th November 2014. That is the date in which Rosetta, led by the European Space Agency, will release its lander Philae to touchdown on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in outer space.

Carbon-based nanomaterials could lower cost of solar energy

When Mike Arnold thinks about solar energy, he thinks big, as in the "more than one-hundred-million-billion watts of sunlight that the Earth continuously bathes in." But he also thinks very, very small, exploring how a one-billionth-of-a-meter ...

Explainer: The pitch drop experiment

Something strange is happening within the world-famous pitch drop experiment with the latest drop forming much faster than the last couple of drops.

What happened to 'Food Miles?'

Some years ago we were being advised to buy UK-grown fresh produce to avoid the 'food miles' associated with importing air-freighted fruit and vegetables due to concerns over how this was contributing to the release of CO2 ...

An autopilot for steering flying windmills

The idea of using kites to collect the energy produced by high altitude winds has been gaining ground amidst the scientific community. EPFL researchers have developed an autopilot device to control and optimize the movement ...

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