
China reports progress in swine fever vaccine trials

A vaccine developed in China for African swine fever, which devastated the country's pig herd and caused pork prices to soar, is progressing smoothly, according to results reported on Wednesday.

Moves are afoot in Africa to keep more women in science careers

Women scientists have a vital part to play in scientific leadership and in contributing to Africa's development and transformation. But they remain substantially under-represented in higher education and in science, technology, ...

Lizard legacy sheds new light on web of life

A special issue of Austral Ecology this month is celebrating the legacy of an internationally renowned South Australian ecologist, whose work inspired a new generation of scientists and launched a momentum to ensure the survival ...

Researchers use CARC systems to understand volcano shapes

According to the United States Geological Survey, Earth is home to about 1,500 potentially active volcanoes, with new volcanoes forming about once a week. Volcanic eruptions can be highly unpredictable and pose a major threat ...

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