
Do all fungi matter? Yes, new study argues

Mention fungi, and most people will probably think of the mushrooms they pick in fall, or maybe the yeast they add when baking or making wine. Others will perhaps recall last week's moldy bread—or cucumbers gone bad in ...

Are we really in a sixth mass extinction?

As a philosopher of science, Alisa Bokulich grapples with weighty questions like, how can scientific models represent a system as complex as the Earth? How can we reconstruct Earth's 4.5-billion-year history using only the ...

New technology for dramatic reduction of daily odors

Odorous gases, which are unpleasant and strongly irritating to the eyes, nose, and respiratory tract, are ubiquitous in facilities such as septic tanks, sewage systems, livestock farms, and waste disposal plants. These gases ...

Physicists discover that gravity can create light

Researchers have discovered that in the exotic conditions of the early universe, waves of gravity may have shaken space-time so hard that they spontaneously created radiation.

People online might not be as outraged as you think

Many social media users are fed-up with the divisiveness and extremism that they encounter on platforms like Twitter and Facebook. But this kind of content is more pervasive than ever. What explains the mismatch?

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