
Scientists make microscopes from droplets

Liquid droplets are natural magnifiers. Look inside a single drop of water, and you are likely to see a reflection of the world around you, close up and distended as you'd see in a crystal ball.

Nanoparticle-polymer composites boost holographic data prospects

Holograms offer a means of increasing data storage density that may help to meet the demands of ever decreasing device sizes and increasing memory requirements. Kohta Nagaya, Eiji Hata and Yasuo Tomita at the University of ...

NASA Mars orbiter tracks back-to-back regional storms

A regional dust storm currently swelling on Mars follows unusually closely on one that blossomed less than two weeks earlier and is now dissipating, as seen in daily global weather monitoring by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance ...

Physicists predict the existence of unusual optical composites

Physicists from MIPT have predicted the existence of transparent composite media with unusual optical properties. Using graphics card-based simulations, scientists studied regular volume structures composed of two dielectrics ...

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