
Technique to suppress dendrite growth in lithium metal batteries

A team of researchers at Tsinghua University (Beijing, China) has reported an implantable solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) in a lithium metal anode. This stable SEI film can suppress lithium dendrite growth to realize safe ...

Plasmas promote protein introduction in plants

Scientists at Tokyo Institute of Technology and Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, NARO, have developed a technique for introducing proteins into plant cells using plasma treatment. Their method could have multiple applications ...

Warm ocean water triggered vast seabird die-off, experts say

A year after tens of thousands of common murres, an abundant North Pacific seabird, starved and washed ashore on beaches from California to Alaska, researchers have pinned the cause to unusually warm ocean temperatures that ...

Malaria vaccine target's invasion partner uncovered

A team at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute has discovered how a promising malarial vaccine target - the protein RH5 - helps parasites to invade human red blood cells. Published today in Nature Communications, the study ...

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