
Exploring alien worlds with lasers

In everyday life we look and touch things to find out what they are made of. A powerful scientific technique does the same using lasers – and in two years' time it will fly in space for the first time.

Why does the UK have so many accents?

Where we come from matters. Our origins form an important part of a distinctive personality, which can become a group identity when we share these origins. More often than not, our use of language, especially our dialect, ...

Improving upon the sun—LED lights fuel plant growth in space

If you've ever seen the film The Martian, you're familiar with "plants in space." The protagonist in the film, played by Matt Damon, successfully harvests potatoes on Mars to feed himself when he's stranded on the planet.

Study examines obesity and reproductive status of zoo elephants

With low birth rates, the sustainability of a zoo African elephant population is in question. A new study from University of Alabama at Birmingham researchers reveals that there is no relationship between how fat a zoo African ...

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