
Molecules move faster near sticky surfaces

Molecules move faster as they get closer to adhesive surfaces, but this effect is not permanent. Such is the puzzling conclusion of a study published in Physical Review Letters, carried out by Simone Napolitano and his colleagues ...

Gauging evolutionary adaptation- are our models right?

One challenge facing scientists is to estimate how our environment and the complex web of creatures within it, will respond to changes in their environment due to climate change or other human influences.

Low-frequency sea sounds ring clear at high altitudes

A new study shows microphones suspended from helium balloons in the stratosphere can detect low-frequency sounds from ocean waves. The new method shows promise for detecting acoustic signals from natural disasters and nuclear ...

The scent of adhesives

It is a known fact that adhesives may smell unpleasant. However, as Fraunhofer researchers have recently discovered, this doesn't need to be the case. Through extensive research on acrylic adhesives they were able to identify ...

Bacterial cell wall changes produce more fatty molecules

Bacteria and other microbes can pump out building blocks for biofuels. Unfortunately, getting microbes to produce enough building blocks, lipids, presents a significant challenge. Microbes often fall short of what they could ...

New quantum memory device small enough to fit on a chip

(Phys.org)—A team of researchers from the U.S. and Italy has built a quantum memory device that is approximately 1000 times smaller than similar devices—small enough to install on a chip. In their paper published in the ...

New research unlocks the mystery of leaf size

Why is a banana leaf a million times bigger than a common heather leaf? Why are leaves generally much larger in tropical jungles than in temperate forests and deserts? The textbooks say it's a balance between water availability ...

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